Are Snap-on Dentures as Good as Dental Implants?

snap-on dentures
By Burton Family Dental

Snap-on dentures and dental implants are popular tooth replacement options. Both offer solutions for individuals seeking to restore their smiles and improve functionality. However, the question often arises: Are Snap-on Dentures as effective as Dental Implants? In this blog post, we’ll delve into each option’s characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks to help you make an informed decision about which might be the better fit for your dental needs.

Understanding Snap-on Dentures

Snap-on Dentures, or overdentures, are removable dental prosthetics designed to fit over remaining natural teeth or dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures, Snap-on Dentures offer increased stability and retention due to their attachment to underlying structures. Typically, they utilize attachments such as locator attachments or ball attachments for secure placement. 

This option provides a middle ground between conventional dentures and dental implants, offering improved functionality and comfort for those who may not be suitable for implants or desire a less invasive option. However, maintenance and periodic adjustments are necessary to ensure proper fit and function.

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically implanted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth roots. They are sturdy foundations for prosthetic teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Dental implants offer a permanent solution for tooth replacement, mimicking teeth’ natural structure and function. 

Dental implants promote bone health by stimulating jawbone growth and preventing bone loss and facial sagging. Compared to traditional tooth replacement options, they provide superior stability, durability, and aesthetics. 

While they require a surgical procedure and a more extended treatment timeline, dental implants offer long-term benefits and a natural-looking smile for individuals seeking a reliable and permanent solution for missing teeth.

Pros and Cons of Snap-on Dentures


1. Improved stability: Snap-on Dentures offer better stability than traditional dentures, secured onto remaining natural teeth or dental implants using attachments.

2. Preserve bone health: Unlike conventional dentures, Snap-on Dentures help preserve jawbone density by stimulating the underlying bone through attachment to dental implants.

3. Removability: Snap-on Dentures are removable, making them easier to clean and maintain than fixed dental prosthetics like bridges or implants.

4. Cost-effective: Snap-on Dentures are often more affordable than dental implants, providing a viable option for individuals seeking tooth replacement without a significant financial investment.

5. Versatility: Snap-on Dentures can be used in cases where patients have insufficient bone for traditional dental implants, offering a solution for those who may not be suitable candidates for implant surgery.


1. Less stability than implants: While more stable than traditional dentures, Snap-on Dentures may not provide the same strength and durability as dental implants, particularly in cases of extensive tooth loss.

2. Maintenance: Snap-on Dentures require regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure proper fit and function, including adjustments and replacement of attachments over time.

3. Potential for discomfort: Some individuals may experience pain or irritation due to the pressure exerted by the dentures on underlying tissues, especially during the adjustment period.

4. Risk of damage: Snap-on Dentures, particularly the attachment components, can be susceptible to damage or wear over time, necessitating repairs or replacements.

5. Not suitable for everyone: Snap-on Dentures may not be ideal for individuals with specific oral health conditions or insufficient remaining teeth or bone structure, requiring a thorough assessment by a dentist to determine candidacy.

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants


1. Superior stability and functionality: Dental implants provide a stable foundation for prosthetic teeth, mimicking the natural tooth structure and offering excellent stability for chewing and speaking.

2. Long-term solution: Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option, offering durability and longevity compared to other alternatives like dentures or bridges.

3. Preserve jawbone health: Implants help maintain jawbone density by stimulating bone growth through osseointegration, preventing bone loss, and preserving facial structure.

4. Natural appearance: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.

5. Improved oral health: Unlike dental bridges, implants do not require adjacent teeth to be modified or compromised, thus promoting better long-term oral health.


1. Surgical procedure: Dental implant placement involves a surgical procedure, which may carry risks such as infection, bleeding, or damage to surrounding tissues.

2. Lengthy treatment process: The entire dental implant process, including healing periods and prosthetic placement, can take several months to complete, requiring patience and commitment from the patient.

3. Cost: Dental implants are more expensive upfront than other tooth replacement options, although they offer long-term value due to their durability and longevity.

4. Risk of implant failure: While rare, dental implant failure can occur due to poor bone quality, improper placement, or peri-implantitis (inflammation around the implant).

5. Not suitable for everyone: Certain medical conditions or lifestyle factors may affect eligibility for dental implants, requiring a thorough evaluation by a dentist or oral surgeon before treatment.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between the Two Options

1. Oral health status: Your teeth, gums, and jawbone condition plays a crucial role in determining candidacy for both Snap-on Dentures and Dental Implants. Individuals with sufficient bone density and healthy gums may be suitable candidates for dental implants, while those with compromised oral health or inadequate bone may opt for Snap-on Dentures.

2. Stability and functionality: Consider your preference for stability and functionality. Dental implants offer superior strength and chewing ability compared to Snap-on Dentures, which may be more prone to movement or discomfort during use.

3. Longevity and durability: Evaluate the long-term benefits of each option. Dental implants typically last longer and require less maintenance than Snap-on Dentures, which may need adjustments or replacement of attachments over time.

4. Cost considerations: Compare each option’s initial cost and long-term expenses. While dental implants tend to have a higher upfront cost, they offer greater durability and may be more cost-effective in the long run compared to Snap-on Dentures, which may require more frequent maintenance and replacements.

5. Treatment timeline and convenience: Assess the treatment timeline and convenience factors. Dental implants involve a longer treatment process, including surgery and healing periods, whereas Snap-on Dentures offer a quicker and less invasive solution for tooth replacement. Consider your lifestyle, schedule, and comfort level with dental procedures when making your decision.

Cost Comparison Between Snap-on Dentures and Dental Implants

1. Initial Cost:

Snap-on Dentures typically have a lower initial cost than dental implants. However, the cost can vary depending on factors such as the number of teeth being replaced, the materials used, and the dentist’s fees.

– Dental implants generally have a higher upfront cost due to the surgical procedure involved in implant placement, the cost of the implant components, and the expertise required from the dental specialist.

2. Long-term Expenses:

– Snap-on Dentures may incur additional costs over time for adjustments, repairs, and replacement of attachments.

Dental implants offer greater durability and longevity, potentially resulting in lower long-term expenses than Snap-on Dentures. Once placed, dental implants typically require minimal maintenance and are less likely to need replacements or adjustments.

3. Insurance Coverage:

– Insurance coverage for dental procedures varies depending on the individual’s insurance plan and specific terms and conditions. Some plans may provide coverage for both Snap-on Dentures and dental implants, while others may offer limited coverage or none at all. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage for each option and any out-of-pocket expenses you may incur.

4. Geographic Location:

– The cost of dental procedures can vary significantly based on the geographic location and the prevailing market rates in that area. Urban areas and regions with higher living costs may have higher prices for Snap-on Dentures and dental implants than rural or less populated areas.

Conclusion: Which Option is Right for You?

When considering tooth replacement options, choosing between Snap-on Dentures and Dental Implants depends on your unique needs and preferences. If you seek affordability and a quicker solution, Snap-on Dentures may be the right fit. However, dental implants could provide a lasting solution if longevity and stability are paramount. Schedule your consultation today at Burton Family Dental in Burton to explore the best tooth replacement option for you!

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