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What do Snap-In Implant Dentures entail?
Indulge in your favorite foods even more : By getting dental implants to secure your denture, you can enjoy chewing with increased strength and confidence.
Permanent : Does not need to be taken out of the mouth like a denture.
Enjoy a carefree smile and laughter without any concerns about your dentures coming loose
Experience greater comfort : Reduced movement and irritation with dentures
Improve your nutrition : Enhance your digestion by chewing food thoroughly
Requires minimal bone : Ideal for individuals with insufficient bone for implants.
Prevent bone loss : Dental implants stimulate the jaw to promote ongoing bone production, even after natural teeth have been removed, preventing further bone loss.
Reduce gagging sensation : In certain situations, it is possible to remove a part of the palate, which will reveal the roof of the mouth. This procedure helps to minimize or eliminate the discomfort of gagging that can be caused by wearing dentures.
Enhanced comfort : Dental implants are effective in reducing or eliminating the discomfort caused by denture movement.
Enhance your food tasting experience : For certain patients with implants, it is possible to remove a portion of the upper denture's palate. This enables you to enjoy a heightened sense of taste when consuming your meals.
Snap-In Implant Dentures vs. Traditional Dentures
Reduced chewing ability : The lower denture's movement causes a significant decrease in chewing power, typically only allowing for 10-20% of the strength experienced with natural teeth. The constant pushing and pulling of the tongue and cheeks on the lower denture keeps it unstable.
Speech : Speaking may pose challenges due to the mobility of the lower denture.
Embarrassment : It is caused by the fear of dentures becoming loose and falling out, which leads to the inability to eat around others, laugh loudly, and converse confidently.
Feeling uneasy : Traditional dentures, particularly lower ones, have a tendency to shift, which can lead to gum irritation and discomfort due to rubbing and chafing.
Inadequate nutrition : Patients may struggle to consume a well-rounded diet and properly digest food due to the loss of chewing power.
Bone loss : When a person has their teeth extracted, they usually experience significant bone loss, which continues throughout their lifetime. Consequently, wearing traditional dentures becomes increasingly challenging as time goes on.
Gagging: The traditional upper denture is designed to cover the roof of the mouth for suction and stability. However, some individuals experience gagging due to this coverage. Trimming the denture to alleviate gagging can result in reduced stability and loss of natural suction.
Can I be considered for eligibility?
How many implants will be required for me?
Upper : An upper implant denture necessitates a minimum of 4 implants.
Lower : A lower implant denture typically needs a minimum of 2 implants, but having 3 or 4 implants usually results in better retention and stability.
Snap-In Implant Dentures vs. Traditional Dentures
Cost of Snap-In Implant Dentures
Starting as low as: $135/mo
2 Implant
Starting as low as: $160/mo
4 Implant
Financing and Payment Options are currently available
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Timeline for the Snap-In Implant Dentures Procedure
Post Op
Soft Liners / Soft Re-Fittings