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Few Important Facts Regarding Dental Implant
When it comes to tooth replacement, you’ve undoubtedly already learned a few basics regarding dental implant. If you’re familiar with dental implants, you’ll know they are made up of a titanium post attached to your jawbone, a crown, and an abutment. Because dental implants resemble natural teeth in appearance, no one except our dentist in Burton, MI, will be able to tell that you have them. Even so, you may not know everything about dental implants. Here are a few startling facts.
You Still Need to Brush Your Teeth Even if You Have Dental Implants
Dental implants don’t deteriorate like natural teeth, so there are no cavities or fillings to worry about. Even though dental implant procedures cannot develop cavities, this does not relieve you of the responsibility of cleaning and flossing your natural teeth regularly. If you have a few dental implants, you’ll also have to keep brushing your natural teeth. Those who have had their teeth replaced risk gum and tissue infections if they don’t brush and floss their teeth regularly. Even though your implants are impervious to decay, food particles and bacteria may still accumulate on them, causing irritation and illness in the soft tissues of your mouth.
For tooth replacement, dental implants outlast all others
Dental implants are a viable choice for those who can’t maintain their teeth for the rest of their lives. However, the vast majority of tooth replacement alternatives are not long-term. ‘ A bridge, for example, is only as strong as the teeth on each side; if any of those teeth is compromised, the bridge will need to be replaced. Additionally, deterioration is very certain to occur since a bridge puts pressure on the teeth on either side. Dentures must be changed or modified as your mouth changes form, so they aren’t long-term solutions.
On the other hand, dental implants are a long-term solution for tooth loss. If they are damaged or if the dental implant fails, they must be removed since they are secured. Your dental implants will last as long as your natural teeth, provided that you take proper care of them.
What You May Not Know About the Growing Popularity of Dental Implants?
Many people believe dental implants are a rarity among dental patients, but they are becoming more popular. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, as many as 500,000 people are selecting dental implants each year, which estimates that three million people have dental implants.
This advancement in dental implant technology has made them more inexpensive and accessible. You’re not alone if you’re considering getting dental implants; an increasing number of people are.
You can visit Burton Family Dental in Burton, MI, for the best dental implant-related treatment nearby.